Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prevention of cancer in our Latino communities

The Latino community is one of the fastest growing groups. It is anticipated that within 15 years, most young people will join the labor market are Hispanic or Latino descent.

Parallel to this growth in the Hispanic population, we found a disproportionate increase in serious illnesses that affect them, and could be prevented. Statistics show that nearly 60 percent of deaths among Latinos in California are caused by heart disease, cancer and diabetes, all diseases which would be prevented by a balanced diet and physical activity.

Cancer prevention may depend on many factors: genetic, the food we eat and our lifestyle, among others. A balanced diet rich in fiber and low in fat and include physical activity in our routine, may reduce the risk of developing certain cancers.

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is one that includes foods from each of the basic groups: grains and cereals, vegetables, legumes and vegetables, fruit, foods rich in calcium and protein in the recommended amounts. These foods allow us to supply the body with the nutrients needed for good health.

The variety and moderation are key aspects of a balanced diet. In addition, moderation is the practice of prevention. Deprive yourself is not recommended, but reducing the size of lots, yes. Focus on the variety and not quantity is key. Eat the right amount of food for their age and activity level.

Health experts have found that a diet high in fat and low in fiber may increase the incidence of cancer of the colon, breast, ovarian and prostate. For a person consuming a diet of about 2,000 calories a day, only 30 percent of those calories should come from fat, and total daily intake should not exceed 67 grams.

How to avoid consuming too much fat?

To reduce fat intake is important to know about methods of food preparation. Fried foods are always higher in fat and calories than those prepared baked or steamed. For example, a large bag of potatoes (6 oz.) To French or French fries has about 30 grams of fat.

For the convenience to quickly satisfy hunger and because they offer large portions, chain fast food restaurants have grown in popularity. Junk food or fast food has become very popular because it is inexpensive and convenient, despite their high fat and little nutritional value.

We eat without thinking about what we're throwing the body, and do not take into account the impact that this type of food can lead to neglect our health.

What health practices are recommended?

In general, limiting fat and avoid or eat sparingly solid fats are more harmful.

When we talk about solid fats we refer to trans fatty acids, these are liquid fats through a process of hydrogenation is converted into solid fats like margarine, shortening and other hydrogenated oils, and saturated fats like those of meat and poultry, butters, creams and others that are mostly of animal origin.

Remember that many chronic diseases and certain cancers can be prevented. Eating foods that are high in fat contributes to the deterioration of health. If you want to stay healthy, we recommend that you evaluate your eating habits and commit to improving your diet, if necessary.

A balanced diet should include eight to ten servings of fruits and vegetables daily, one serving of fruit is one medium fruit, and in the case of vegetables, one serving equals a cup if they are raw, as if half cup cooked .

The importance of these foods is that with its powerful antioxidant helping to regenerate the body's cells, if this is combine whole grains that provide fiber body, our body will receive a double benefit: being free from toxins and risk reduction in severe illness.

We must also do daily 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity to complement the effects of good nutrition.

Keep your body healthy is our task and responsibility:

  • Let's be more careful about eating and physical activity we include in our daily routine.
  • Choose foods and foods that help strengthen the defense and keep the body healthy.

A balanced diet, along with 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity on most days, are important allies in the fight against cancer.

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